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Premium Floodlight CameraHow do I set up notifications for Onboard Recording?
Premium Floodlight Camera

Premium Floodlight Camera

How do I set up notifications for Onboard Recording?

You can receive notifications for:

  • Onboard Recording - SD Card Removed

  • Onboard Recording - SD Card Inserted

  • Onboard Recording - Schedule Not Set Up

  • Onboard Recording - Schedule Created

To set up notifications for Onboard Recording:

  1. Log into the app.

  2. Tap the "More" menu.

  3. Tap "Notifications."

  4. Tap the gear icon.

  5. Select the system options you want to monitor.

  6. Choose the options for which you would like to receive notifications.

  7. Select the time frame and recipients.

Follow these steps to ensure you stay informed about your onboard recordings!

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