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How do I create and automation rule using the Frontpoint Website?


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Select on Automation in the navigation menu.


On the Rules tab select the pencil icon next to an existing rule to modify it or select the Add New Rule button at the top to create a new rule.

For this example, we are choosing to Add New

Then select New Rules Builder


Choose the Select button to the right of "when" to select when the rule activates.


Select the device or event that will be used to trigger the rule -device options are determined by the equipment on your system.

For this example, we are choosing Contact Sensor


Choose the action that will trigger the rule to start and then select Done.

For this example, we are choosing FRONT DOOR and status Opened


Choose the Select button to the right of "then" to select the action that will occur when the rule is triggered.


Select the device or event that will triggered by the rule -device options are determined by the equipment on your system.

For this example, we are choosing Light/Switch.


Choose the action that will occur when the rule is triggered and then tap Done.

For this example, we are choosing Entry Light and Turn On


If Available, Tap to edit FOR:

When lighting is an action item the FOR Option will appear to choose how long the light will stay on or off.

For this example, we are choosing Indefinately


Select Run at all times to select when the rule will run.


Select whether the rule will run all the times or at specific times and on certain days. Tap Done.

For this example, we are choosing ** Run at all Times**


Enter a name for your rule.

For this example, we are naming the rule Contact Sensor Light/Switch Rule 0


Congratulations! You have created an Automation Rule.

You can now edit, delete, or toggle this rule on or off.

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