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System and AccountHow can I turn on or off activity monitoring for my sensors to be seen on the app or website?

System and Account

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How can I turn on or off activity monitoring for my sensors to be seen on the app or website?

This setting can only be updated using

To turn sensor activity monitoring on or off, follow these steps:

Turning Sensor Activity Monitoring On

Turning Sensor Activity Monitoring Off

  1. Log into your account at

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Select Manage Devices.

  4. Click More next to the device you want to update.

  5. Choose Device Settings.

  6. In the Monitoring column, click to select the sensors you want to enable activity monitoring for. To disable it, simply uncheck the box.

    Note: In this example, sensors 1 and 3 have sensor activity monitoring enabled, sensor 2 has it disabled, and the fixed panic keypad does not support this feature.

Finally, click Save to apply your changes.

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