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System and AccountHow can a user code only be given access at certain times?

System and Account

Here, you'll find support for your Frontpoint system and account.

How can a user code only be given access at certain times?

To restrict a user code to specific times using the Frontpoint app, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account.

  2. Tap on Menu.

  3. Tap on Users.

  4. Select the user you want to restrict.

  5. Ensure the user has Panel Access enabled and a valid Access Code.

  6. In Access Information, tap on Access Period.

  7. Select Restricted Schedule.

  8. In Weekly Schedule, set the days and times to limit the user's access.

  9. Tap Save.

To do this on, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account.

  2. Click on Users.

  3. Click More for the user you want to restrict.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Ensure the user has panel access enabled with a valid access code.

  6. In Access Information, click on Access Period.

  7. Click on Restricted Schedule.

  8. In Weekly Schedule, set the days and times to limit the user's access.

  9. Click Save.

This will help you manage user access effectively.

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