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System and AccountHow do I add a note for emergency responders?

System and Account

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How do I add a note for emergency responders?

If you have context and/or details to share with emergency responders about a situation that may turn dangerous, you can add details ahead of time. (For example, if you're meeting a stranger, see a car following you, etc.) The note won't be shared until you tap and release the Safety Button, so you can add notes freely even if you're pretty sure you'll be fine.

To add notes to your Personal Safety Button, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Frontpoint App.

  2. Tap the arrow next to "Safety Button."

  3. Tap "Notes" in the blue section on your screen.

  4. Add your notes.

  5. You can toggle to mark this note as Important.

  6. Tap "Create."

If you later signal for help with the Safety Button, we'll share this information with our operators to ensure responders have all the necessary details. You can of course text with responders directly during an emergency as well, if you are able.

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